Monday, March 14, 2011


Midnight. The tween time. The time of the witching, the time of magic, the time when I realize that I should’ve gone to bed two hours ago. But, I know that I will be up for at least another hour because I miss my friends in the early morning hours. One, Two and I sometimes become reacquainted with Three.
Personally, midnight is also the best time for beginnings. It is the best time to start up something without stress. It is the best time to begin the unachievable goal of writing for myself. Even now, as the city lights glow outside of my window and the darkness presses in around the lights, I know that it will be immensely difficult to keep up with this “blog.” But I will do my best.
I guess the best place to start would be to ask why a blog? Why write everything down into a place that literally millions of people have access to each day. I guess the best way to answer that question is because I can. There isn’t anything stopping me from telling the world about my day. The world doesn’t have to listen, but I know that I have invested that much more time into improving myself and allowing little bits of myself to slip through the cracks, the facade, and into the waiting abyss.
"A journey of a thousand miles
must begin with a single step."
--Lao Tzu
I also feel that the media of written work reaches farther than anything else could. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and yes that may be true, but let’s also say that there is no picture. There is no other way to express how I feel, how my day went, unless I write it down. Each blog could be a thousand words. A thousand meticulously placed words ready to describe any scenario, any picture, any moment that I want them to.
This leads me back to beginnings. The beginning of life is a screaming child, slimed and kicking ready (or not) to take on the world. The beginning of a vacation (at least in my family) is a flurry of packing and raised tempers. The beginning of the universe (some say) was a momentous explosion (the hand of God?) that rippled through the … “nothingness” and made new what had not been before.
My beginning will be quiet. Words uttered in the silence of my mind. No congratulatory cigar, no champagne christening, no ballroom masquerade. Just the words of beginning that cannot be hindered. The words that can escape like smoke through fingers. Melt hearts like a warm knife through butter. Mend wounds faster than any physician. Break hearts in a matter of seconds. And secure love (long lasting) in a few lines. 
Words are the most powerful and wonderful thing to own. There is a certain responsibility that comes with embracing words as the chosen media. I am now responsible for every utterance. Every syllable. Even if only one or two people ever read this, I am responsible for what they read, and I am responsible for the reaction it evokes. Humans (most at least) have this happy responsibility. We must make the decision each day. We must be responsible for what is said, what is written, and what it means.
So, this is the beginning. A new, wonderful, powerful beginning to a fresh look at the world. The world that I will describe through my own interpretations as I see it. Everything should be taken with a grain of salt (or maybe a salt shaker).
The world is waiting to be explored, and I cannot wait for adventure.

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