Tuesday, January 8, 2013


There comes a time in your life when it is no longer useful to talk about what you are going to do. You have to quit worrying about the million different things that could throw a wrench in the plan, after that you dive head first into the unknown. I think I’m at that critical moment in my life: I have been practicing for this point my whole life. Forever centered on my school life, I have finally reached that point where I am leaping into “real” life: that fabled state of existence after the seemingly never-ending processes of education.

            Theory allows for failure and mistakes, where those are learning experiences to expand and revise said theory. The practicality of it all reaps greater returns, but it is much riskier business actually putting yourself out there to experience what life has to offer. They never really tell you any of this when you’re growing up. I think it is assumed (or at least hoped) that you are able to soak up these necessary life lessons and skills throughout the learning processes, both inside and outside the classroom. Here lies the first great plot point in my life story: that time I spent five months in France…

            I have had very mixed emotions about the entirety of this experience. Many people have told me how excited they are for me, which is wonderful. Thank you for the support: the prayers, the hopes, the well wishing. I welcome every word. The problem remains, however: I haven’t quite convinced myself that I should be completely excited for this experience! My emotions have run the gamut: anxiety, nausea, irritability, and momentary apathy (those almost sound like symptoms that could be treated with a heavy dosage of Valium…). Not that there haven’t been moments of complete joy mixed with chills of excitement: I’m leaving for France! For me, apprehension has also wreaked havoc on my emotional well being. Thoughts of the untold future, thoughts of the unknown people, and thoughts of the unforeseen experiences haunt me every day. In the reasonable part of my mind that doesn’t always want to speak up, I know that these thoughts are silly and mostly superfluous. In the part of my mind that likes to blow things out of proportion, these thoughts are tantamount to every day existence.

            Ah well, that’s life, I guess.

            I guess this post is mostly to document my emotions as I run headlong into the darkness ahead. I hope to put too many pictures on this blog from my soon-to-be adventure in Europe. I also hope that I’ll be able to keep up! Only time will tell.

            With that said, I do hope that all of you will try to keep up as well! Once I have my mailing address, I will make sure to put it up on Facebook (I love snail mail…). Welp! I guess here I go! Off on an adventure at last. The journey began many months ago as a small seed of an idea; I would say we are well on our way to a sturdy sapling.
        In light of recent cinematographic revelations, I think it only appropriate to quote one of the most important fiction writers before my time:

“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
            - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Let’s hope that I can keep my feet about me. And if not, then let’s hope the road sweeps me away for the ride of my life thus far.

Happy Adventuring!

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